A Researcher position is now open at the IBF “Istituto di Biofisica” of the CNR in Palermo in collaboration with the University of Sassari within the EBRAINS-Italy PNRR project ( on the topic “Development and simulation of neural networks of the human hippocampus and related visualization of neural activity in mixed reality systems.” In particular this is a 12-months open position for a third Level Researcher at CNR with overall gross salary of € 31.539,57.
The research activity will encompass the development of a computational model of the Human Hippocampus using the simulation software NEST ( with its PYTHON API to be run on the CINECA HPC facilities. The model is going to be built starting from experimental data. A large part of the development will include methods to configure and visualize the neural network activity in Mixed Reality devices using the software UNITY 3D and related low level pro

Tipo di bando: Post dottorato

Settore del bando: Bioingegneria

Data di chiusura: 08.12.2023

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