Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

The GNB (founded in 1981), as stated in its statute, is “an association with scientific, cultural, popular and social purposes aimed at promoting, sponsoring and coordinating studies, research, debates concerning bioengineering”. To pursue this goal, GNB has promoted numerous activities throughout its long history. Since 2008, the GNB organizes its national bioengineering convention every two years and publishes the respective documents by collecting research and studies on the various bioengineering topics. To carry out this demanding task, the GNB requires accuracy, but adopts a neutral position on the issues discussed in the articles published in its own documents. Many subjects are involved in the publication process, each playing an extremely important role. It follows, therefore, that all of them, authors, editors, board members, reviewers must comply with ethical standards at every stage of the process.

The Association of the National Bioengineering Group (GNB) undertakes, for the Acts of its National Bioengineering Conferences (CN-GNB), which constitute an editorial series active since 2008, to comply with the highest ethical standards in the publishing field and to take all possible measures to combat any form of negligence. The GNB supports compliance with the rules of ethical behavior, in each phase of publication, by adopting and promoting the standards set by COPE in the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines fo Journal Editors.

The Authors who send contributions to the GNB for the inclusion in the Acts of the CN-GNB certify that their works are original and unpublished and that they are not being evaluated by other magazines for the purpose of a possible publication. The authors also confirm that the article is their work, has not been copied or plagiarized, in whole or in part, from other contributions; and that clarity has been made about any conflict of interest, real or potential, concerning their work.

Below is a summary of our commitment and all of the duties of editors, reviewers and authors.


Decisions concerning the publication of the Articles

The CNB-GNB Scientific Board decides which articles to publish among those submitted to the Review Committee. In selecting the Review Committee, it is guided by the policies established by the Scientific Board and is required to comply with the current rules on defamation, violation of copyright and plagiarism.

Revision of the Manuscripts

The Scientific Board is required to ensure that each manuscript is assessed, through a peer review, by two Referees, each of whom will provide an opinion that recommends its publication – in the current version or after inserting the appropriate changes – or advises its refusal. Review times will be carefully monitored.

Disclosure and conflict of interest

Inside information or ideas obtained through the peer review process must be kept confidential and not used for personal benefit. Reviewers should not accept the evaluation of manuscripts from which conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with authors may arise.

Fair play

Manuscripts are valued for their intellectual content, without distinction of race, sex, sexual orientation, religious faith, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political orientation of the Authors. The Scientific Board and the Review Committee must not disclose any information on a manuscript sent to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, other editorial consultants and the publisher.



Any information concerning the manuscripts sent by the Authors must be considered as confidential information.

Objectivity Standard

The Reviewer undertakes to objectively conduct the review work, expressing his personal scientific considerations to the author.

Recognition of sources

Reviewers are required to identify any relevant contributions whose citation has been omitted by the Authors. Any statement already cited above and in a different context must be accompanied by the relevant quote. The Auditor also undertakes to draw the attention of the Scientific Board to any substantial similarity or overlap found between the manuscript in question and any other published document of which he has personal knowledge.


Reporting standards

Authors of original research must present an accurate account of the work done, as well as an objective discussion of its meaning. Key data must be accurately presented in the document. The document must contain sufficient details and references to allow others to verify the work. Fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate statements are unacceptable.

Data Access and Retention

Authors must be able to provide all data relating to an article under review, and in any case be ready to allow public access to it, if possible, and to keep it for a reasonable period of time after publication.

Originality and Plagiarism

Authors must guarantee the total originality of their work; if the authors have used the work and / or words of others, these must be appropriately quoted or quoted.

Any attempt at plagiarism will lead to the refusal of the writing. Sending the same manuscript to more than one newspaper or multiple manuscripts that substantially describe the same research constitutes a violation of the ban on imitation or plagiarism

Authorship of the Paper

The name of “Author” must be limited to those who made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution or interpretation of the reported study. All those who have made significant contributions must be indicated as “co-authors”. Other figures who participated in some substantial aspects of the research project must be recognized or listed as “collaborators”.

Disclosure and conflicts of interest

All authors must indicate in their manuscript any conflict of financial or other type of interest that could influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript. All sources of financial support for the project from which the project derives in part or in full must be explicit.

Fundamental errors in published works

When an Author discovers a significant error or serious inaccuracies after the publication of his work, he has the obligation to promptly communicate it to the Scientific Board and to cooperate with the Board for the correction or withdrawal of the publication.


The Acts of the National Bioengineering Conference are protected by the copyright of the Association of the National Bioengineering Group and are published by the Pàtron editor. No license is attached to the Acts. The published articles are deposited exclusively on the Association’s website and are available free of charge upon request to the authors.

The Head of the Scientific Board of the CN-GNB (GNB2020)

Prof. Ing. Agostino Accardo

The President of the GNB

Prof. Maria Chiara Carrozza