Bando Assegno di ricerca CNR- IN a Padova
assegno di ricerca // Bioingegneria
12.02 2021
A research fellowship (“assegno di ricerca professionalizzante”) is available at the National Research Council in Padova. The fellow will work under my supervision within the Mathematical Modeling Group.
The fellow will work within a European consortium, DIRECT, focusing on the identification and validation of important biomarkers for glycaemic deterioration and treatment response to be used to predict and monitor the effect of therapeutic interventions in subtypes of diabetes with different pathophysiology. The consortium is made of scientists from both research institutions and pharmaceutical companies, and offers an interdisciplinary and formative environment.
The fellow will analyse biomolecular (omics) and clinical data with bioinformatics tools, with the aim of characterizing progression of type 2 diabetes.
Application deadline: February 16, 2021
https://www.urp.cnr.it/pagina.php?id=10 – Codice Bando IN-001-2021-PD-Prot 0006868, scadenza : 16/02/2021
Best regards,
Roberto Bizzotto
Tipo di bando: assegno di ricerca
Settore del bando: Bioingegneria
Data di chiusura: 16.02.2021
Sito web: call site