Open Position (Postdoc) – IRCCS MEDEA – Motor and Neural (Co-)Variation


Project: The (Co-)Variation of Motor and Neural Variability

Classical approaches depicted actions as primarily driven by pure motor components, whereas non-motor ones (e.g., sensory information; perceptual processing; etc.) were basically considered as negligible. In contrast, robust evidence in neuroscience strongly supports the critical role of non-motor computations in driving motor activities. Furthermore, recent advances converge in ascertaining the underestimated critical role of motor and neural variability both in clinical and research domains. Notably, the assumption that motor and neural variability basically reflects noise is not only simplistic, but also largely misleading. A perspective shift on the study of motor/neural variability is urgent.

We have a multi-site, strongly interdisciplinary, and innovative line of research investigating the individual space of variability from a motor perspective. This is a joint project co-coordinated by Luca Casartelli (IRCCS Medea, and IIT-Genova) and Andrea Cavallo (University of Turin, and IIT-Genova). Recently, we obtained funds to integrate this “motor” line with a “neural” one. Thus, we aim to focus on the putative covariation of motor and neural variability benefiting from neuroimaging MRI-based approaches. This additional part of the project will be in collaboration with the bioengineering team coordinated by Denis Peruzzo (Neuroimaging Lab, IRCCS MEDEA).

We are looking for a brilliant, and highly motivated postdoctoral researcher to join the part of the project concerning the study of neural variability. A PhD in bioengineering, physics, neuroscience or related disciplines is requested. Ideal candidate has a strong background in MRI-based neuroimaging analysis; researchers with background in EEG/MEG will also be evaluated considering that we plan to start from MRIbased studies but we also aim to combine them with oscillatory approaches. Previous experience with cognitive neuroscience experimental approaches will be very positively evaluated. Last but not least, a mandatory pre-requisite is strong enthusiasm for interdisciplinary, innovative, and theory-driven research.

Ideal starting date is early 2024. The position normally starts with a 18/24 month fellowship, with the possibility of extension (+18 months). Net salary is 1600-1750 Euro/month according to the experience. Additional benefits for “senior” postdoc can be explored.
The candidate will work with an interdisciplinary team of researchers, according to the specific sub-parts of the project. The strict synergy among theoretical, technical, and clinical perspectives represents an amazing opportunity for young researchers. We think that our project may assume strong significance considering the relevant implications for neurorehabilitation.
The project will be run primarily at the Scientific Institute IRCCS MEDEA, a pediatric research hospital specialized in developmental clinical neuroscience, and with a well-recognized expertise both in neuroimaging and cognitive neuroscience. In addition, regular joint activities with the Move’N’Brains Lab (University of Turin) will be scheduled. Research facilities are hosted by the IRCCS MEDEA-Bosisio Parini campus (environ 30 km from Milan, and 15 km from Lecco). Most importantly, from the window of your office you will enjoy an amazing view of the “Resegone” (the famous mountain quoted by Alessandro Manzoni in the “Promessi Sposi”).

For info and preliminary interview, please email the co-investigators of the project attaching your CV:

* Dr. Luca Casartelli (Neuroscience)
Theoretical and Cognitive Neuroscience Unit, Scientific Institute IRCCS MEDEA (Group Leader)
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia – IIT, Genova (Affiliated Researcher)

* Prof. Andrea Cavallo (Neuroscience)
Move’N’Brains Lab – University of Turin (Associate Professor)
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia – IIT, Genova (Affiliated Researcher)

* Dr. Denis Peruzzo (Bioengineering)
Neuroimaging Lab, Scientific Institute IRCCS MEDEA (Group Leader)


Tipo di bando: assegno di ricerca

Settore del bando: Bioingegneria