Special Issue Announcement – Call for Papers: [Biomedicines, MDPI, IF 6.081]
28.06 2022
Dear Colleagues,
We are planning to organize the Special Issue titled “Neuroimaging: Current Position and Future Directions” by courtesy of Biomedicines, MDPI (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/biomedicines).
We would cordially invite authors to contribute an original research article and/or review article on all aspects related to the theme of Special Issue. In order for us to plan this Special Issue, we kindly ask you to inform us as to whether you are interested in contributing to this issue. We would also appreciate if you could forward this invitation to your team members and colleagues, who may also be interested in this Special Issue.
Please find some more information below.
1. For further reading, please follow the link to the Special Issue website at: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/biomedicines/special_issues/Neuro_imaging
2. The submission deadline is 31 October 2022, followed by a reasonably prompt review/revision process. The articles will be published upon acceptance, on an ongoing basis. The review and publication processes will be handled by the Editorial Office.
3. Biomedicines is covered in the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) in Web of Science from Vol. 4 and in Scopus and receives the Impact Factor of 6.081 in late June 2021. Citations are available in PubMed; full-text archived in PubMed Central. The journal ranks 32/140 (Q1) in the ‘Medicine Research Experimental’, 33/276 (Q1) in the ‘Pharmacology Pharmacy’ categories and 65/295 (Q1) in the ‘Biochemistry Molecular Biology’. All submissions, including featured articles, will be subject to peer review.
5. As you might know, Biomedicines is an open-access journal with publication charges (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/biomedicines/apc). Unfortunately, I cannot offer you a complete waiver of the publication costs, which is 2200 CHF (Swiss francs) but we are glad to provide an early bird discount of 400 CHF (which cannot be used together with other discounts) for authors submitting not later than September 30, 2022.
6. Benefits of publishing in Biomedicines
a. Open access and high visibility: unlimited access, broad database coverage, various promotional activities and academic event presentations;
b. Rapid turn-around: approximately 16.3 days from submission to first decision.
For further information, any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us or Ms. Hillary Liu, Biomedicines Editor (hillary.liu@mdpi.com).
Thank you for your consideration.
Camillo Porcaro and Marco Marino